Q and A

Precisely what is calcium? And how do we get it?


Calcium is a mineral that is essential for the functioning of many functions of the body and the healthy development of bones and teeth.

According to the calcium stored by the human test, 99 percent is found in bones and teeth. The rest is in our blood, muscles, and other tissues.

The best sources of calcium include dairy products, salmon, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, beans, and soy.

Kalcium források

Calcium-rich foods for healthy bones

If the body does not get enough calcium from its food, it starts using the amount in the bones.

Failure to do so can lead to osteoporosis, which is why it is so essential to get the right amount of calcium.

The use of calcium depends primarily on the food consumed.

Until the age of 50, an adult has an average daily calcium requirement of 1000 mg.

After the age of 50, this amount rises to 1,200 mg.

The most common way of calcium intake is to consume dairy products.

Calcium-rich foods include beans, tofu, green leafy vegetables, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli, high in vitamin K.

Research shows that people who take at least 110 micrograms of vitamin K a day have a 30-point reduction in hip fracture risk.At either a young or older age should not be neglected the Consumption of calcium and vitamin D.

In young people, these nutrients help build the right bone mass. Once osteoporosis has developed, they help slow its progression, thus preventing fractures.

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